September 27 Eric Goh, Performing the Exhibition: The Investigation of Time, Space and Community in The Skin Trilogy

Performing the Exhibition: The Investigation of Time, Space and Community in The Skin Trilogy

Speakers: Eric Goh

Organizer: RAM and Biljana Ciric

Collaborator: The Shanghai Study Center, the University of Hong Kong

Language: English with Chinese interpretation

Venue: The Shanghai Study Center, the University of Hong Kong (No.298 North Suzhou Road, Shanghai)

Time: 7pm, Thursday, September 27, 2018



For thethird talk in a series related to “Second Assembly: Exhibition-Making Practice in China and Southeast Asia in the 1990s”,a curatorial project jointly curated by Biljana Ciric and the museum, RAM is delighted to invite Kuala Lumpur-based curator and writer Eric Goh to discuss the 1995 exhibition Skin Trilogy by the Malaysian arts collective Five Arts Centre.

Based on a play written by K. S. Maniam, the exhibition devised a series of interdisciplinary events combining visual and performing arts through collaborations between actors, dancers, musicians and visual artists together at the National Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur. The exhibition encapsulated the anxious mood across the country that defined this period in the 1990s. Given its openly socio-political tone, its association with a public institution such as the National Art Gallery was all the more surprising especially during Mahathir’s notorious time as prime minister, which also added another layer of significance to this event. Rather than having an overarching curator, the Skin Trilogy was in fact actualised through a diffuse community of people instead.

Subsequently, we will look at how the exhibition was able to shed new light on exhibition-making and the notion of community. The talk presents a case study of the exhibition as it attempts to tease the curatorial while making sense of the ramifications of the exhibition’s influence in terms of its time, locality, and connections to the wider community.


Eric Goh is an assistant curator at OUR ArtProjects, a gallery based in Kuala Lumpur. Apart from his research undertaking with the Rockbund Art Museum’s “Curatorial Practices in Asia” program, he is participating in Para Site’s Workshops for Emerging Art Professionals in Hong Kong 2018.

AboutThe Shanghai Study Center, the University of Hong Kong (SSC HKU)

The Faculty of Architecture at The University of Hong Kong established The Shanghai Study Centre in 2008. It is housed in the historical Post Office Building, on Suzhou Creek.

The Study Centre aims to be a place where new ideas emerge about urban development in the fastest urbanizing region in the world. The public program at HKU/SSC invites critics with challenging opinions, architects with provoking viewpoints, planners with innovative solutions and academics with new theories – all with the aim of understanding the current condition in Chinese cities, and to explore beyond today and tomorrow. The goal is to be able to generate new ideas that can contribute to better, more intelligent and more interesting cities and architecture.

From a History of Exhibitions Towards a Future of Exhibition-Making —“Second Assembly: Exhibition-Making Practices in China and Southeast Asia in the 1990s” organized by Biljana Ciric and Rockbund Art Museum will be held from 24thto 25thNovember 2018 at The Shanghai Study Center, the University of Hong Kong.

For further information, please see following news of Rockbund Art Museum. Featured Image credit to Five Arts Centre.











此次讲座是上海外滩美术馆与比利安娜·思瑞克联合策划的“第二次集会:1990 年代中国及东南亚地区的策展实践”系列讲座的第三场。此次活动特别邀请了吉隆坡策展人及作家吴家仲,与观众探讨马来西亚艺术团体——五艺中心(Five Arts Centre)于 1995 年筹办的展览“肌肤三部曲”。

该展览以 K. S. Maniam所著剧本为基础,涵盖一系列结合视觉艺术和表演艺术的“跨界”活动,由演员、舞者、音乐家、视觉艺术家在吉隆坡国家美术馆共同呈现。展览还将马来西亚二十世纪九十年代最具时代标签的全民焦虑感囊括在内。考虑到其毫不隐晦的社会政治寓意,该展能得到国家美术馆这样的公共机构的支持实在出人意料,尤其是该展览发生于马哈蒂尔担任总理的那段颇具争议的时期,这更加为展览增添了一层特殊意义。“肌肤三部曲”的策展工作并非由一个策展人全权负责,而是由这个团体的所有成员共同策划。



吴家仲,吉隆坡 OUR ArtProjects画廊策展助理。除了上海外滩美术馆的“亚洲策展实践”项目,他还将参加香港 Para Site 艺术空间为新锐艺术从业者们举办的 2018 年工作坊。





更多信息敬请期待上海外滩美术馆的微信公众平台未来的推送。题图来自:Five Arts Centre